
For years, I was searching for my own style, something uniquely mine and recognizable. It has always been so changeable, and now I’ve made peace with it because, just like every story differs from the last and every day is different from the previous one, every new job is also a fresh start, distinct from the ones before. The most exciting aspect is experimentation, which is why there is always a little surprise with every new project – wondering what will emerge from it. I use a wide range of mediums, from digital to oil pastels, from colored pencils to watercolors.

I find that the text is the heart of a picture book, and the illustrations give it a soul.

In addition to creating my own books, I enjoy collaborating with other writers and illustrators.

I am always happy to chat, meet up, and collaborate.



2004 University of Tallinn, Advertising and Media, bachelor’s degree

2016 EKA Open Academy, Book illustration course

Creative work

2016 – … freelance writer and illustrator

2011 – … editorial work for different magazines and newspapers (Hea Laps, Täheke, Mesimumm, Müürileht, Pere ja kodu, Gecko)

Author books (text and illustrations)

2023 „Jalad”, Koolibri publishing house

2023 „Musterpere”, Koolibri publishing house

2022 „Emil, Sass ja kivimutukad”, Koolibri publishing house

2019 „Krokodilli saba”, Koolibri publishing house

2016 „Lepatriinu täpid”, Miimik publishing house

Books illustrated

2024 “Muri mure”, Koolibri publishing house

2024 “Maailma parim liivaloss”, Pegasus publishing house

2024 “Kust tulid muinasjutud?” illustrations and design, Petrone Print

2023 „Omad jutud 4”, illustrations and design, client: Tallinn´s Centre Library

2020 „Inspektor telinski, kummisuti ja kõik ülejäänud”, Koolibri publishing house

Books written

2022 „Mirjami palett”, kirjastus Tänapäev

2022 „Kes seal on?”, kirjastus Koolibri


2024 Haapsalu Graphic Design exhibition 

2023 VII Tallinn Illustration Triennal


2024 Karl Eduard Sööt Children’s Poetry public Award (Musterpere)

2024 Children’s story contest “Minu esimene raamat” II place, (“We move away”)

2023 Põlvepiku book competition II/III place (“Meie tee”)

2023 The book “Jalad” EKGL special prize in the competition of the five most beautiful children’s books

2022 The book “Emil, Sass ja kivimutukad” is one of the five most beautiful children’s books

2019 First place at the II Salon International Illustration


2021 – … Member of Illustratoren Organisation e.V. (Germany)

2024 – … Member of the Estonian Association of Graphic Designers